Terms of Use

General terms

These terms and conditions constitute the terms and conditions under which the project’s services are provided to Users. The transaction with the project presupposes full acceptance of these terms. In case of violation of any of these terms, the project reserves the right to exclude users from the service.


The following definitions apply to this Agreement:

“Project” is the ERASMUS+ Project “Romani Ambassadors 2.0” “.

“MOOC Platform” or “Romani Ambassadors 2.0” is the platform “www.palambassadors.eu” maintained by the project and includes the “Content”.

“Materials” is the open educational materials provided by the project to the Users for free training purposes.

“Content” is all text, graphics, design, and programming used on the above platform.

“User” is any person who uses the Project’s materials.

“Account” is the registration of the visitor as a User on the Platform.

“Materials” is the deliverable available for free through the Affiliates on the Platform.

Use and Rules of Use of “Romani Ambassadors 2.0”

Access to the Platform and, by extension, participation in any service (such as creating an account), is permitted exclusively to persons who have completed the eighteenth year (18) of their age and have full legal capacity.

The management and protection of the personal data of the Platform User is subject to the present conditions as well as the relevant provisions of European legislation. In any case, the project’s reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data, within the framework of the current legislation. The platform preserves the personal nature of the information of its visitors, users and members, and does not transfer any information entered by the user. If the User does not agree with the terms of personal data protection, he must stop browsing and not use the services of the platform. The user, visitor or member of the platform may contact the relevant department in order to request information on the possible maintenance of the personal file, the correction of its data, any desired changes or its complete deletion, except for the data that must be kept by the legislation. Any minor visitors/Users are not required to submit their personal information. The Platform may process part, or all of the information registered by users for statistical, economic and improvement of its services.

Registration and Account Creation

Account creation is necessary in order for the User to use the ability to use the educational materials and to be trained.

11. Final Provisions

The Company reserves the right to modify or renew these terms of use without notice, which will be effective from the date they are posted on the Platform. Users must check each time for possible modifications to the terms of use and if they continue to use the materials available, it is presumed that they accept the modified terms and grant their consent, agreement, and approval. Otherwise, they must refrain from using the platform’s services.

1. Preamble

The terms of use of the services provided through the search engine and the platform located at www.palambassadors.eu (hereinafter “Platform”) by “Romani Ambassadors 2.0” ( hereinafter “project”) with grant agreement number 2021-1-SE01-KA220-ADU-000026290

Legal use of the services provided means your unreserved acceptance of the terms herein and your compliance when using these services with the current European legislation. The acceptance of the terms herein does not in any case constitute the conclusion of any form or employment relationship, cooperation or partnership with the project.

The project hereby does not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted and secure access to the services of the Website as its operation is likely to be affected by external factors that cannot be controlled.

2. Privacy

Our Privacy Policy describes how the project manages the data of users of its services. As described in the Privacy Policy, the collection and further processing of this data is necessary, both in the context of the use of the services provided by the project, and for other legitimate purposes analyzed in our Privacy Policy.

The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor, the user and the members of the Website is governed by the present conditions, the Privacy Policy, as well as the relevant provisions of European legislation. In any case, the project reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data, within the framework of the current legislation.

The platform does not in any case delete the personal data of members even if it is members who have been prohibited from using its services. Definitive deletion from the database of the platform can only be done in cases where the member himself wishes and to ensure the reliability of the system. Members who wish to be informed about their personal data maintained by the platform, for their definitive deletion from the platform’s database, or to exercise any of their rights provided by law, in accordance with the Privacy Policy , should submit a relevant request by sending an email using the contact form in the “CONTACT US” section via the email with which they registered on the platform, in which they should include their full name and, which should agree with the information registered in the platfrom’s database, for identification purposes.

3. Access to the Website and member registration

A condition for the participation of users and registered members of the Website and the use of the project’s materials is the acceptance of these terms of use, which have been defined in accordance with the applicable EU legislation.

Information that users provide to the project or other members or during member registration is defined as “personal information and information”. Personal details and information must meet the following conditions:

They must not be false, inaccurate or misleading.

They must not directly or indirectly lead to the deception of third parties or aim at the sale of items, the disposal of which is contrary to the current legislation.

They must not conflict with the provisions of current European legislation.

They must not refer directly or indirectly to products or services expressly prohibited herein.

In order to properly use the information provided by users to the project and to avoid possible violations related to their content, we check and further process this information. The project is committed to the processing of this information in accordance with these terms of use.

Access and use of the platform services must be in accordance with these Terms of Use. It is not permitted to use any method of monitoring the platform or copying part or all of its operating mechanism or its content without refering to the project name “Romani Ambassadors 2.0 with grant agreement number 2021-1-SE01-KA220-ADU-000026290, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program”.

4. Final Provisions

The copyright of the Website belongs to the “Romani Ambassadors 2.0 project”. It is prohibited to republish, reproduce, in whole, in part or in summary or paraphrase or adapt the content of the platform without referring to the project’s materials as reference.

The services provided through the Website, including simply searching for or creating a member account, are not directed to persons under the age of 18. If you are under 18 years of age, you should not use the Site or provide us with any personal data without the necessary authorization from a parent or guardian. The project does not, to its knowledge, collect or further process data on persons under the age of 18.