Wellbeing, self-esteem and resilience

Wellbeing, self-esteem and resilience

The module focuses on the topics of wellbeing, self-esteem and resilience and how to use them when working with children and youngsters from national minorities especially with the ones from Roma origin.

The module leads the learner through theoretical part and practical exercises to improvement of learner’s knowledge and skills.

Practicing the techniques introduced in the module can increase youngster’s confidence and self-esteem and improve their school attendance and success in personal and professional life later on. On the other hand, it can empower the mentor and make his or her work with the youngsters more effective and purposeful. In conclusion we can say that topics of the module can bring benefits to both parts – mentors and mentees and improve the relationship between them.

The modules main topics are important since they allow us to feel emotions like happiness, contentment, and satisfaction – all of which help us function well in the world. They play a role in supporting our mental health, by giving us a greater ability to manage our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This helps us to maintain good relationships and to set and achieve goals. Having a sense of resilience and positive wellbeing enables a person to approach other people and situations with confidence and optimism, which is especially important for young people given the enormous changes that occur with the transition into adulthood.

Youngsters with strong mental wellbeing, self-esteem and resilience can manage their emotions, enjoy positive relationships with friends and family, apply themselves at school, participate in activities that interest them and have optimism about the future.

It’s important to note that being resilient and having high level of wellbeing and self-esteem requires a skill set that we can work on. Good news is that those abilities can be taught, practiced, and improved. That’s way the methods and the exercises of this module could be very useful in our work with the youngsters.

Module objectives

  • The module’s content empowers assistants/intercultural workers/educators/mentors working with children/youngsters from the national minorities and Romani children and makes their work more effective, purposeful and satisfactional.
  • The module’s content is useful for the youngsters/mentees. By increasing youngster’s mental wellbeing, confidence, skills, and abilities we improve their school attendance and success in school and in personal and professional life later on.
  • The module content improves the relationship between mentor and mentee because mentoring is dynamic two-way process and involves full participation of both parties.

By the end of the Module the learners will be able to:

  • Practice different techniques that will help them build their overall well-being
  • Build happiness skills, mindfulness skills, positive thinking skills and resilience skills
  • Build social skills, like gratitude, kindness
  • Maintain communication skills, better communicate
  • Make positive impacts on other people’s lives
  • Improve self-belief, build self-confidence
  • Build ability to approach new situations and approach new people
  • Set realistic, achievable, and measurable goals
  • Better control their emotions
  • Focus on thinking positively, avoid constant self-blame
  • Understand and avoid negative self-talk as well as actively practice positive self-talk
  • Develop interpersonal skills, especially learning how to engage with people from different backgrounds.


The module brings benefits to both parties – mentors and mentees.


Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Post Study Quiz
Enrolled: 108 students
Duration: 4
Lectures: 4